Eki Fauzi Firdaus

Back End Developer

Bachelor of Applied Science (Informatics) (POLBAN)

Eki is a passionate Back End Developer specialising in Sitecore and .NET.

Eki joined Luminary as a Back End Developer and part of the exclusive Centre of Excellence (CoE) program for Sitecore. This CoE position means that Eki is responsible for researching Sitecore features and supporting projects in solving Sitecore-related issues. Prior to joining Luminary, Eki was certified as a Sitecore .NET Developer 10 and a .NET subject matter expert in his previous roles. With his methodical and problem-solving approach, Eki excels at collaborating with developers, designers and digital producers.

When Eki isn't working on Sitecore projects, he enjoys quality time with his family. He can be found watching movies or simply chatting at home most weekends.

Picture of Eki against a black screen

Quick facts about Eki Fauzi

Favourite emoji


Chinese zodiac


Inspired by

Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson, for their dedication to Science and Education.

Fun fact

Eki is a keen collector of collectables and artefacts, with his interest beginning as a young boy collecting stamps and coins. 

There's more where Eki Fauzi came from

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