Luminary launch party in Melbourne

Aaand that's a wrap!

Twenty-one days, three staff events, two client events, two award nights, one developer meetup, an adtech seminar, a soccer match, and countless sore heads later, our transition to Luminary is complete...

Adam Griffith

26 July 2018

3 minute read

All up, the public unveiling of Luminary took place over no less than 10 events across Melbourne, Sydney and Bali. The response from clients, partners and staff (past and present) to our new brand has been overwhelmingly positive. We even managed to snare a big chunk of media attention, with write-ups in MumbrellaMarketing magazineB&T and Campaign Brief

The whole process could not have gone as smoothly as it did without the help of a dedicated team of people, both internally and externally. This blog post is our way of saying 'thanks'.

How many people does it take to rebrand a ~20 year-old digital agency? 

Short answer: LOTS! The longer answer is below, and represents a public acknowledgement of all the awesome people who have helped us with this mammoth and incredibly invigorating journey. So, on behalf of the Luminary team, here goes...

Kicking it off, the catalysts for this adventure – former Design Director Warren and Engagement Director Liam. Thanks for giving us the nudge we needed. 😉

Next up are our awesome design and branding agencies. Darren from Taylor & Grace for guiding us through and always being there for advice. And Anita and the crew at Seesaw for executing on the rebranding with aplomb! 👏

Seesaw engaged a small group of our clients as part of the research phase – thank you to all who participated in that research process. 

A big shout out to Ben from Carben, and Charlotte and the crew at Jumbla, for producing videos that have blown us away.

Luminary. Making digital bright, and the human experience brighter.

All those smiling, happy people on our website were perfectly captured by the awesome Dave from The Rhetoric. 👊

We've had some super cool swag produced by Sindi and the team at Impress Promotions. Our stationery was expertly delivered by Frank and the team at EnviroPrintGroup. And we had some sweet t-shirts made by Suzie at Third Trio.

A big thank you to Travis and the team at ECA Partners for all things ASIC and accounting. And to Pete at MSL and Victor at Cooper Mills for helping us with legals and trademarks. 

We celebrated the rebrand in Australia across three fun-filled nights and we couldn't have done it without the help of Gina from Gina's Kitchen. These events were managed and beautifully decorated by our incredibly artistic Office Manager, Mike. In Bali, our organisational guru Gaby, pulled off a glamorous party that made all of us stuck in Australia rather envious! 🎉

Melb client event

Our awesome design team – Tess, Fab, Kate and Chen – executed on, and extended the brand direction provided by Seesaw. 🌟

Our website team produced an awesome site on headless CMS Kentico Kontent. High five Tess, Drew, Angga, Reggie, Filya and Belinda! 

Infrastructure-wise, we were in the safest possible hands with our CIO, Andrew (Raddo), who managed to transition a multitude of interconnected, mission-critical systems on launch day as smoothly as you could possibly imagine.

A massive thank you to our Content Strategist, Tami, who not only delivered 99 percent of the content for our new website, PR, social and sales materials, she also proposed the name Luminary! 🙇

All of this was managed by PM extraordinaire Catherine and resourced by our tireless Traffic Manager, Mark. ✅

To the entire Luminary team, congrats and thank you for continuing to deliver amazing work for our clients, and somehow putting the foot on the accelerator over the past few months. 🤗 

Luminary team photo

Personally, I'd like to say thanks to my fellow directors, Marty and Andy, for your leadership, inspiration, and super-human level of hard work.

Finally, and most importantly, to our friends and family for all your support throughout this long journey (for me, especially my wife Anna). 😍🙏 

To say it's been a whirlwind would be an understatement. Thank you for being part of the ride – and we look forward to continuing on the journey with you. In the meantime, we thought you might enjoy a few pictorial highlights from the whirlwind that was.

Sang with Luminary cake
Futsal match
Belinda and Mike
Melb Design Awards 2018
Staff dinner
Crowd shot
Bali team
Bali launch at OMNIA

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