Image showing ABL website on tablet

Arnold Bloch Leibler

Arnold Bloch Leibler (ABL) is a premium Australian law firm with a storied history spanning more than 60 years. Before working with Luminary, ABL had a website that was over a decade old and very much in need of an overhaul.


Professional services

How We Helped:

Who We Helped:

The challenge

ABL wanted to create a site that better reflected the firm itself – a site that captured the essence of the brand and balanced contemporary design and user experience. It had to cater for a diverse audience, from potential and existing clients, to media and young digital-native law graduates. The client also needed a content management system that was flexible, robust and easy for staff to manage.

Arnold-bloch-leibler website on a laptop device
Employees having a meeting

The solution

The standout feature of this site is its design. Luminary was very cognisant of the need to capture just the right tone with the site’s look and feel. It had to be progressive, yet still authoritative. It had to feel modern while also paying heed to the firm’s history. ABL embraced this challenge and gave Luminary the freedom to lead it into completely new design territory – right down to an evolution of the logo.

Arnold-bloch-leibler website on a mobile device
Arnold-bloch-leibler website on a laptop device
Arnold-bloch-leibler website on a mobile device

The project also entailed a change of CMS for the client, with Kentico being selected for its ability to facilitate a modern design that would still allow for flexibility in managing content. A variety of page types have been set up which allow ABL to have full control over content in a straightforward, easy-to-manage format. A number of inter-module relationships have also been created to allow multiple areas of the site to be updated simultaneously. In addition, the Kentico platform made it easy to develop a responsive site, which is especially important for the graduate market.

Arnold-bloch-leibler website on a tablet device

The result

The new site has not only heralded a new era in design for ABL, it has also served as a launching point for a whole new digital-first approach to marketing and thought leadership. With the new site as a hub for content, ABL is now able to really accelerate its social media and content marketing initiatives.

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