Drew Foster

Technical Director

B.Information Technology (Interaction Design) & B.Multimedia Design (University of Queensland)

As Technical Director, Drew's focus is on supporting and mentoring our front end development and QA teams.

As one of Luminary's Technical Directors, Drew is focused on supporting and mentoring our Front End Development and Quality Assurance teams, as well as shepherding our Jamstack and headless projects. He is also responsible for standards, code frameworks, business process improvements, training, and R&D across our development operations.

Drew began his career in 2007 as a usability consultant, undertaking in-depth user research and design, as well as wireframing and prototyping interactive systems. He then switched from designing to building, working on everything from the very first post-iPhone mobile websites to physical interactive social media installations at the Australian Open. Since then, he has combined his knowledge of user experience and interactive design as a Technical Director for Luminary.

Other career hats he's worn include Ski Lift Operator and Chief Pizza Maker. Drew's actual hobbies are running long distance, throwing kettlebells around, reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, and spending way too much time in video game RPGs.

Picture of front end developer, Drew

Quick facts about Drew

Favourite emoji


Star sign


Chinese zodiac


Inspired by

Wes Bos - for inspiring people to be better developers by not panicking about learning everything, and always having good fundamental knowledge.

Fun fact

Drew once won a bar competition for a year of unlimited free burritos by being the only person to say 'please' when he ordered his food. 

There's more where Drew came from

It takes a constellation of talents to create great experiences. Here are a few more of the stellar individuals that make Luminary shine.

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