Jaka Sardjono

Digital Producer

PSM 1 (Scrum.org)

Jaka is an Agile purist and a technical-minded digital producer.

Jaka is an experienced producer with a reputation for creating productive relationships with a range of clients, and the teams he manages. Prior to working with Luminary, Jaka held positions as a developer and systems architect, and he has extensive experience in C# as well as desktop and mobile applications. Holding a Scrum Master certification, Jaka's approach to Agile teams has allowed him to manage multiple projects concurrently, leveraging his technical background.

A career highlight for Jaka was working with an Australian SaaS company to produce an application that members of the public can use to report issues, prompting local councils to rectify them. When Jaka isn't sitting in front of his computer, he can be found riding his bike and enjoying the beautiful Bali landscape, taking the scenic route to the Bali office so he can ride the highest roads in the Bali mountains.

Picture of Digital Producer, Jaka

Quick facts about Jaka

Favourite emoji


Star sign


Chinese zodiac


Inspired by

Liverpool FC manager, Jurgen Klopp, for his talent as a football manager, but also his ability to galvanise the football club and its supporters by fostering the culture of the team and inspiring the masses. 

Fun fact

Jaka's favourite sounds in the world are the sounds of the trees, birds chirping, tyres on asphalt and his own ragged breath as he rides through the mountains – his happy place!

There's more where Jaka came from

It takes a constellation of talents to create great experiences. Here are a few more of the stellar individuals that make Luminary shine.

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