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Thinking like a futurist: building a better tomorrow with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. It's the subject of fascination, excitement, and fear. Headlines warn of job losses, ethical dilemmas, and a world reshaped by algorithms. Yet, what if we chose a different lens? What if we think like a futurist?

Nadia Mayangputri

21 November 2024

4 minute read

At SXSW I attended a talk by Brian David Johnson, a futurist, author and professor, who shared how we can think like a futurist by looking beyond the fear and into the realm of possibilities.

The uncertainty of tomorrow

The future, especially with AI, feels uncertain. It’s easy to fall into pessimism, imagining dystopian outcomes. But Johnson offers a different approach. As someone who has worked with Intel and NATO, Johnson models both positive and negative futures, then asks: What can we do today to move toward the futures we want and away from those we don’t?

This pragmatic optimism is key. Being a futurist doesn’t mean predicting the future; it means shaping it. It’s about envisioning possibilities and making decisions now to create the outcomes we desire.

What should we be worried about?

When we discuss AI’s dark side, the problem is rarely the technology itself, it’s humans. A hammer can build a house or cause harm. Similarly, AI’s impact depends on how people use it. While calls for ‘ethical AI’ are common, Johnson argues that the real need is for AI to be ethically compliant. It’s about defining human standards for acceptable use and ensuring AI aligns with them.

We also face challenges in how AI affects jobs and labour. If a machine can replace your work, perhaps the issue isn’t the machine but the nature of the job. Are we turning humans into task-performing machines? This re-evaluation of labour pushes us to rethink what we value economically and socially.

What can we look forward to?

AI isn’t a villain, it’s a tool. Industrial AI is already making work more efficient and assisting humans in complex tasks. As it evolves, it will integrate so seamlessly into our lives that every piece of software may include AI. The potential for positive transformation is immense: reimagined education systems, enhanced healthcare, and innovative solutions to global challenges.

The role of humans in AI’s future

As AI advances, it’s critical to keep humans at the centre. Technology is exciting, but its ultimate purpose should be to improve lives. Whether it’s designing systems for national defence or building AI tools for everyday use, the focus must remain on human impact.

This requires thinking about the negative possibilities, not to fear them but to prevent them.

It’s about creating systems that allow humans to intervene and make ethical decisions. For example, in military contexts, firebreak systems are designed to slow down processes, giving people time to act wisely.

How to think like a futurist

To think like a futurist, we must embrace übermorgen – the day after tomorrow. Don’t just focus on the next big thing, consider what comes after. Examine a range of potential futures, both positive and negative. Think about:

  • What’s the future I want?
  • What’s the future I want to avoid?
  • What’s the story I want to tell about the future?
  • How can I share that story and inspire others to join me?

Johnson emphasises the importance of storytelling in this process. Human beings are "story-believing machines" driven by the narratives we tell ourselves. If we imagine a better future, we’re more likely to make choices that lead us there. Sharing these stories is equally important. Conversations about the future spark action and collaboration. Disagreements and diverse perspectives are vital, as they enrich the conversation and drive innovation, enabling us to collectively shape our destiny.

Final thoughts

AI isn’t taking our job, but a human using AI might. This reality underscores the need for adaptability, creativity, and critical thinking. By thinking like a futurist, we can move beyond fear and into possibility, ensuring AI becomes a tool for human progress.

The future isn’t written yet. Together, let’s imagine it, shape it, and build it. After all, nothing great was ever built without being dreamed of first.

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As a digital agency, we have a responsibility to lead the way with innovative, valuable technology – not just the latest fad. We are committed to putting people first in our work with AI and we will continue to explore ways that AI can enhance the work we do. 

Learn more about our approach to AI , and how we use it continue to have genuinely human-centered experiences.

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