Luminary at OzHarvest

Introducing our new charity program, Luminary Hearts + Hands

While we have always been big supporters of charities and NFPs, this year we decided to formalise our commitment with the launch of our new charity program, Luminary Hearts + Hands. 

Tami Iseli

19 February 2024

3 minute read

Even since we were a fledgling agency, way back in 1999, serving purpose-driven organisations has been part of our DNA. From the many charities and NFPs we’ve worked with, to the countless fundraising initiatives we’ve taken part in and donated to, we’ve always had a soft spot for a good cause.   

Until now though, while our charity support program has been committed, it could be described as a little ‘ad hoc’. In 2024, we’re stepping things up and elevating our charitable giving and volunteering into a formal program.

Allow us to introduce ‘Luminary Hearts + Hands’.

The program has two streams. ‘Luminary Hearts’ is all about donating money to charities that have been nominated by our team, while ‘Luminary Hands’ is – as the label suggests – where we roll up our sleeves and get hands-on, volunteering our time and effort to help charities achieve their mission.

As we are celebrating our 25th birthday this year, a pool of $25,000 has been allocated to the Luminary Hearts + Hands program.

Luminary Hearts

Luminary Hearts recognises that we all want to make a difference in the world and each of us has a cause that we are passionate about in some way – from the arts to wildlife protection and everything in between. 

This program empowers our team members to nominate and champion causes that are close to their heart. Each month, three new charities will receive a share of the total pool of donation funds. 

This program kicked off in February 2024 and so far, our donations have been used to support these three fantastic and diverse charities: 

  • Two Good Foundation – an organisation that employs women with lived experience of homelessness, domestic violence or trauma to create meals for women’s refuges. Since it launched 10 years ago, Two Good has donated more than 160,000 restaurant quality meals to local refuges.
  • Indonesia Mengajar – a program that provides educational opportunities for children in disadvantaged areas of Indonesia.
  • Firesticks – a not-for-profit Indigenous network that aims to activate and increase the use of cultural burning by facilitating cultural learning pathways to fire and land management in Australia.

Luminary Hands

Through the Luminary Hands arm of the program we will support one or more charities each quarter through volunteering opportunities or personal fundraising challenges. The charities are carefully selected to ensure that they offer suitable initiatives that our team can get behind, with opportunities to get involved wherever our team members are. The program will be structured around quarterly ‘themes’ that will be set at the beginning of each year.

The theme for the first quarter of 2024 is ‘Health’ and the main focus will be the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s 57 Squat Challenge, which encourages participants to do 57 squats a day during the month of March and raise funds for breast cancer research. Why 57 squats? Because breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with 57 people diagnosed every day. (You can check out our team page and support us here.)

The themes for the remaining quarters of this year will be:

Our guiding mission is to ‘make digital bright and the human experience brighter’, and we’re super excited to see this program unfold and bring us closer to achieving that mission.  

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