Allnex product finder


Allnex is a global manufacturer of industrial coating resins. The company needed a site that would be able to effectively showcase over 1500 products, across more than 90 industries. It also needed to be available in a number of languages and have the capacity to handle different products being offered in various regions.






How We Helped:

Who We Helped:

The challenge

Allnex is a global manufacturer of industrial coating resins. In September of 2016, the company merged with Nuplex, another chemical resins manufacturer. At the time, the two companies kept their websites separate due to the vast number of products both companies offered. Following the merger, Allnex approached Luminary to help bring the sites together. 

The consolidated site needed to provide an interactive product finder to showcase in excess of 1500 products, across more than 90 industries. Serving such a broad range of industries, and with customers often seeking products with extremely specific use cases, the product finder needed to be able to filter the products according to very granular requirements. It also needed to be able to deal with different products being available in the various regions. To add a further layer of complexity, the site needed to be available in at least three languages (English, Chinese and Portuguese). 

Allnex site on mobile phones

Quick stats

products at the time of launch

product filters

words translated across five languages

Allnex ship

What we did

A key feature of this website is the custom-created product finder, which featured close to 1500 products at launch, with more than 370 filters. The product finder offers the ability to search for products based on a variety of categories, including region, technology, application, performance, chemistry, application, product advantages, and sustainability attributes. It also enables users to enter keywords to simplify their search.

While launching the site in three languages was the target, using Kentico’s Translation Services Luminary actually managed to launch it in five languages, including Japanese and Russian. Kentico’s Translation Services allowed for widgets, web parts and structured content fields to be exported for translation while development on the site continued uninterrupted. 

Allnex website - Find your product screen

The project was managed according to an Agile project methodology, which also helped to streamline the translation process. This allowed for whole sections of the site to be exported for translation before other sections of the site had been developed. All up, there were more than 160 pages that needed to be translated.

Another significant feature of the site was the Careers Data Import, which is how Allnex manages is job openings across the globe. In the previous site this was being managed manually on a daily basis, but with the launch of the new site this has now been automated.

Allnex website - Our Markets page

The result

This project culminated in the launch of a single user-friendly, state-of-the-art website. The product finder has been extremely well received, with a simple user interface that belies the 370+ filters and the complexity of the code required to run it.

The site’s multilingual capacity has also been enthusiastically welcomed by the company’s Japanese, Russian and Portuguese language (Brazil) branches, as it has enabled them to be fully represented as part of the new brand. (Previously, the site was only available in English and Chinese.) 

When Allnex and Nuplex combined two years ago, we kept our websites separate due to the large number of products both companies offered. Now, our existing and potential customers have a much better tool to quickly narrow down their searches and find exactly what it is they’re looking for with a few simple clicks.
Allnex logo

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